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Use policy

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Thank you for being part of this community through our profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and LinkedIn. We share the guidelines for moderation to create a space where you can listen and know first-hand your experience and opinion about our services.

On our pages in Social Networks, you can comment and share the publications that we generate, turning our social networks into one more channel for dialogue where you can record doubts or suggestions about Zener.

We invite you not to share comments that are contrary to the laws, that harm the privacy or intellectual property rights of third parties or that use offensive language. Nor will any type of discriminatory attitude or idea be tolerated based on sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition.

We advise you not to send or publish personal or private or confidential data to avoid electronic fraud.

Likewise, we invite you to tolerate the opinions of others and not to promote intolerance and hatred, the comments being the responsibility of those who generate them.

Grupo Zener is not responsible for the content published by users, but as a trademark, we reserve the right to eliminate or block any communication or message that contains third-party brand advertising or messages that encourage the use of products that do not have to do with Zener brand.

We reserve the possibility of canceling, suspending, blocking or eliminating certain types of content or users if we become aware that what is published is illegal, discriminatory, uses offensive language or may harm the rights of a third party.

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